09 Oct
I met up with a couple of old buddies the other day at my favorite hawker center in Haig Rd.
We limited the gathering to five to be on the right side of the law.
One of them said, “Marko, since primary school, you told us that one day, you will stay in a big house, have a happy family, drive Mercedes and travel around the world”.
Yes, I replied.
She added, “ I see your dreams come true. You are Tee-Kong-Kia”…. Loosely translated “Sky God Child”… meaning lucky child whose life is smooth and all his dreams come true.
“No lah”, I said, shaking my head while smiling.
I have numerous business failures among one biz bankrupted.
I worked hard and gotten nowhere.
I studied hard and as you all know, I did not get straight A.
I saved hard and still in debts.
I cut expenses and bank balance no heartbeat.
I did my best to make bosses and colleagues like me, and yet Boss promoted the other chap.
“But I did one thing. Do you want to know ?” I asked them.
The other buddies put down their cups, stopped chatting and turned to look at me.
“It’s a secret”, I whispered.
Now my friends leaned even closer.
I spoke softly, “ believe first (long pause) …. then you see”.
They still leaned in and when they realized that’s the secret, they let go a breath at the same time and said “chayyyyy, who don’t know that”.
I was enjoying the moments, seeing them lean in, hold their breath and lean out, and breathe.
{{ Dear readers, most of the secrets of success are out there. But most of us are brought up with weak self-beliefs that we automatically censored out the powerful message and replace with weaker ones }}.
Let me give you two examples.
++++ EXAMPLE ONE ++++
Believe First and You Will See It. …. OR …. See First, then Believe.
Which one are you?
I often thought I was the strange one in my workplace (with big dreams and declaring them) until one day, I attended a workshop in International Plaza and the speaker on stage taught the concept… BELIEVE FIRST, THEN SEE.
I totally connected with the Speaker and paid lots of attention to his teachings.
Suddenly the speed of achieving things shot up.
I was able to change my lifestyle within years.
I was able to provide good things for my family within a couple of years.
I was attracting good opportunities that eventually become cash in my banks…. many zero that i never had.
For several decades in my life, it looked I would never own a landed property – house. Now I owned two houses in SG… not apt, not condo. I also owned a commerical building.
I thought driving exotic cars meant peddling drugs. Nope, I owned a few of them, cars, not drugs.
The difference between the two concepts is … one will give me power. The other will put me in an invisible prison cell.
To have a better quality of time, more time freedom, less money worries, one has to do different things from the employee sharing the same office.
When I am same-same with my lunch mates aka colleagues, my results will be so-so.
When I want to live a different life, the first thing I need to change is my SELF-BELIEF.
Would you like one more example of this?
Do you know Nex Shopping Mall in Serangoon?
It’s a huge shopping place and serves thousands of people, even during this time.
Do you know that this place was once a sleepy town, a bus depot without much happening, except full of exhaust smoke and engine roar?
If someone came up to you and told you that he/she was going to change this sleepy town into a huge shopping centre buzzing with people, would you ask him/her to go for mental check-up?
If you agree that he/she should go for medical checks, then you probably belong to “See first then believe”. Your life is so-so. You may be struggling most of the time. You are often looking for ways to reduce expenses to have more money/profits. But yet, despite doing the same thing for numerous year, your bank account did not grow, you become tired… and you wonder the purpose of life. Just when you are about to accept that fate, your parents are now very old, weak and sick, and now, you wish that that Yishun 4D winner is you.
If your answer is different and you told that person, “Yes, its possible., I believe you Sir/Mdm”, then Congrats!. You are either living a great life now, or you are just a few more steps (aka mental blocks) away from a great life.
The conversations we have within ourselves are very powerful. Do not just tell yourself that “yes you can ”, include phrases like “ I believe it can be done”, “I deserve the best”, “I am smart”. And ignore the naysayers and the toxic multiplier folks.
Bit by bit, like me, your life will change for the better. How do I know? I have experienced it myself, I have coached many to achieve breakthroughs and witnessing them enjoying their wonderful lifestyles today.
You are not born into this world to be another Mr/Miss Average.
You are meant for bigger things.
I know I am.
I will be moving to Sentosa. I am going to live in a big house, with sports bike, sports car and a yacht.
I am going to host parties for my family and friends and strangers.
I am going to sail twice a week, to fish, to swim, to enjoy the open sea or to check out the islands and dolphin or just to changi for my nasi lemak w teh halia.
Am I dreaming it too big this time ? Nope. From growing up in a small rental flat shared with ten loved ones, to staying in a 3500sqft house now, no dream is too big. Why? Because I Believe First Then See It.
I would like to end my message today with this – change your mindset, change your life. Mix with great people, live great life.
If you enjoyed my message today, please type this message to support me…. From now, I will tell myself to Believe First, then see.
You are also doing yourself a favor at the same time
Investor, Practitioner & Full-Time Coach
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